What You Should Know About Your First Cycle
First-time drug users will often debate with steroid veterans about how to best define that first cycle. Should it be small, or moderate to heavy? Should orals be included? Is a simple testosterone run more than adequate? Nobody has defined the answer once and for all, and everyone seems to have a theory. Let's look at a few of these cycle theories and see which one makes the most sense.
First off, let's make one fact abundantly clear. The gains you see on your first cycle of steroids will be the greatest ROI "return on injection" that you will see in your life. You're going to blow up on that first cycle, whether it's something small or something seriously dangerous. The discussion here isn't about what works (since everything does). Rather, we are presenting different viewpoints on what works best in order to facilitate the best 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cycles. Here are a few commonly used steroid cycle breakdowns.
Whatever you can get
This is the steroid cycle used by many bodybuilders (or recreational lifters under the age of 22) who will orally consume or inject any kind of AAS they can get their hands upon. They don't think much about long-term issues, and they're not concerned about squandering that initial anabolic window of responsiveness. They want to get big, and they want to do it now. Not surprisingly, many of today's top bodybuilders used this mentality when running their first cycle. It's not recommended, but it's seen very often.
Test only!
This is probably the best advice you ill ever be given. Your first cycle should be based upon testosterone, and testosterone alone. Nothing else. 400 to 600 mg per week is more than adequate. It's safe, inexpensive, and you'll see terrific gains in terms of strength and size gains.
Test & Friends
A lot of bodybuilders with access to multiple compounds will use an oral steroid such as Dianabol for the first two weeks of their cycle. Injectable steroid blood levels don't reach the point of being effective for strength and muscle gains for about two weeks. And, you cannot run orals for more than 2 to 4 weeks before their toxicity becomes a serious problem for the body. Therefore a very safe bet – even for beginners on their first cycle – is to use 2 weeks of orals to start 10 to 12 weeks of injectable testosterone.
Everything and the kitchen sink
These bodybuilders will start a cycle with intermediate to advanced levels of everything. They'll have testosterone stacked with nandrolone, some AI's, CEL's, and orals spliced all over the place. They believe they're doing the right thing by hitting their body with everything they have during that first window. What they don't realize is that their muscle cell receptors will now require at least this level in order to respond. You cannot move from a heavy cycle first to a small 400 mg testosterones cycle later and expect to see gains. Don't squander your potential by overdoing things early!
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