Clenbuterol tablets are made by British Dragon Pharma, and is a non-steroidal pharmacological preparation used in fitness and bodybuilding as an effective means of losing weight.
Initially, this drug was used exclusively in medical practice and was prescribed to patients with asthma, but, as happened with anabolic steroids, bodybuilders took it into their "arms". In the field of fitness and bodybuilding, this drug is actively used as a fat burner, and in this regard, it really demonstrates good results.
Despite the fact that "Clen" (slang name) is not ranked among anabolic steroids, it is still characterized by some anabolic, or rather anti-catabolic effect, which allows you to preserve muscle tissue during drying and losing weight, and this is confirmed by a number of studies and sports practices.
First, it increases thermogenesis, which leads to increased calorie expenditure and increased metabolic rate. It is reliably known that Clenbuterol accelerates metabolism by 20-30% of the initial value. Secondly, this drug indirectly enhances the production of thyroxine (the main thyroid hormone), which is a natural fat-burning agent for the body, as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine. Thirdly, it suppresses the activity of an enzyme that is responsible for the accumulation of fatty deposits, as a result of which this process is significantly inhibited and new adipose tissue is not formed.
A big plus of Clenbuterol tablets can be considered that it can be used not only by men, but also by women who seek to rid themselves of non-functional weight and make their body more prominent and "dry":
Usage of Clenbuterol is characterized by some peculiarities, primarily regarding dosages, which are different for women and men. So, for girls, the norm is a range of 80-100 mcg, while for men 120-140 mcg daily.
Usually the cycle lasts up to 15 days, after which a break of the same duration is required, since the body develops a tolerance to the drug and it loses its effectiveness. During this break, it is necessary to use Ketotifen, because without this drug, a longer break is required. Then the course can be repeated.
The best option is a two-week cycle of Clenbuterol in conjunction with Ketotifen. The cycle is carried out according to the "pyramid" principle. The use of "Clen" starts with a minimum dosage of 20 mcg, then an additional 20 mcg is added daily and thus the dosage is adjusted to the one you need. Starting from the 4th day, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets of Ketotifen every day for one week. Approximately 5 days before the end of the course, you need to reduce the dosage of Clenbuterol in "steps" of 20 mcg until complete cancellation. The drug itself is most advisable to use in the morning before training.
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