News from Dragon Pharma
Explore the latest news, promo codes, discounts and deals from Dragon Pharma source! Shop with us and take advantage of our offers for your favourite products!

Experience our newly redesigned web store, featuring an improved user experience, updated stock with new brands, and a streamlined shipping process. Explore trusted products from Dragon Pharma, British Dragon, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, and more, with fast USA domestic shipping.

We’re thrilled to announce that our USA Domestic Stock has been updated! Now, you can access a wider range of premium products from trusted brands including Dragon Pharma, British Dragon, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Axiolabs, Genshi Labs, and Stealth Labs – all available domestically.

Wondering how to use Crypto payment methods on Dragon Pharma store ? Here is a guide on how to proceed easily with crypto payments.

Getting cash back on Dragon Pharma source is very easy. All you need is to choose a product and sign up on the site. There is no need to control or count anything, cash back system always works.

Dear friends, New Year and Christmas is coming. By December 16th, we are preparing special Christmas discounts for you, as well as new products to be presented on our website!

We are celebrating Black Friday by offering 25% discount on Dragon Pharma products and 30% discount on selected brands.

To make your shopping experience even better, we’re offering free shipping on all orders over $399 from now until November 30.

In September, we significantly expanded our Dragon Pharma product range, including new line of peptides, injectables and SARMs.

Save more money this 4th of July when you take advantage of these 25% OFF promo sales for Independence Day.

In October 2022, we began cooperation directly with Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, which specializes in high-quality oral and injectable anabolic steroids.

We offer only original steroids for sale. All the anabolic steroids presented on our website, after purchase, can be checked for authenticity on manufacturer's official website.

In Janaury 2021, we have received a new stock of vials from Genetic Pharmaceuticals and Ice Pharmaceuticals.

Dear Customers, We would like to inform you that at the moment we are not able to ship Dragon Pharma, Maha Pharma and some Kalpa Pharmaceuticals products, due to the new COVID-19 measures issued by the government in local country where our store is located.

It’s strong and it’s effective, like our values and our products. We have updated our website and materials to show our new Sustanon branding and we’re thrilled with the results.
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